Saturday, February 13, 2010

Amazing Graphics n Neat to Watch


Nestle Crunch Hotline _ FUNNY STUFF

I had to share this again because its funny.
Call the Nestle Crunch Hotline at  1-800-295-0051, 
If you get a busy signal, keep trying!!!
or try removing the 1 and just dial 800-295-0051 - that worked for me..
When you are asked if you want to continue in English or Spanish,
just wait quietly for about 10 seconds and you will smile.  Promise!
press 4 for FUNNER STUFF
Listen to the options...
press 1 for knock knock joke
press 2 for backyard game of catch
press 3 for bubble wrap
press 4 for cannon ball off the diving board
press 5 for noogie to guy sitting next to him
press 6 for boy express affection to girl he likes
press 7 for info about cooties  (MY PERSONAL FAVORITE )
This is Cute.. So Dont' ruin it for anyone else ..
but Please Pass it on..

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Buffalo Chicken Tenders Fast and Easy

Buffalo wings are a favorite at football parties, this recipe uses boneless skinless tenders that will cut back on the fat and you control how hot they are!
Buffalo Chicken Tenders
  • 1 package boneless, skinless chicken tenders
  • ¼ cup Texas Pete's buffalo hot sauce
  • ½ cup butter milk
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder (divided)
  • ½ tablespoon garlic powder (divided)
  • Salt and pepper
  • ½ to 1 cup flour
  • Oil for frying

Combine tenders, hot sauce, ½ the onion and garlic powders and butter milk.
Season with salt and pepper.
Cover with plastic wrap and allow to set in refrigerator 2 hours to over night.

Combine flour salt, pepper and the rest of the onion and garlic powder together.

Get oil to medium hot.
Take tenders out of fridge and dredge in flour mixture.
Set aside on platter till ready to fry.

Fry about 2 tenders at a time keeping a close eye that they do not scorch.
Drain on a cake rack to keep crisp.
Serve with sour cream and buttermilk dip with dill and extra hot sauce for those that like to kick it up a bit.

Follow the slide show below for step by step instructions on creating this masterpiece.

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Puppy Bowl w/ Kitty Half-time Show

Animal Planet has it on and its ADORABLE watching them run around..
Very Cute..
Animal Planet's 6th annual Puppy Bowl, starts at 3 p.m. and repeats all day until 5 a.m. !!!!

This year the sidelines will also be hopping with the addition of spirited Petfinder bunny rabbit cheerleaders, while frolicking felines will be on stage for the Kitty Half-time Show.

Not only are they irresistibly adorable, all of the Puppy Players, Kitty Entertainers and Bunny Cheerleaders are adoptable from local Petfinder shelters.